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Watch Now: Documentary Exposes Link Between Abortion and Satanism

News Division

Created Equal, a group opposed to infanticide, has produced a new and stunning documentary exposing the link between abortion and Satanism. It is more than metaphoric. There is a literal link between the worship of Lucifer and human abortion.

Created Equal was founded by Mark Harrington, who before founding the organization was the president of the Center for Bio-Ethical Reform. Harrington has been a controversial figure for using images of aborted children in his publications and advertisements, which have been called, “aggressive, unsettling, and intimidating.”

Abortion, in related news, is actually aggressive, unsettling, and intimidating. You know, because it kills people and stuff.

The links between Satan-worship and the abortion industry really is stunning as portrayed in the short documentary.

You can watch the video below. Please share it.