After being denied Communion by a South Carolina priest because he advocates for infanticide up until the point of birth (and even afterward if the abortion was botched), Joe Biden told the press that he would just receive Communion from the Pope of Rome himself.
Roman Catholics observe the Eucharist, or Holy Communion, as do all traditions that purport to be Christians. Although Romanists differ from Protestants on whether or not the bread and wine constitute the literal or metaphoric body and blood of Christ, all hold the sacrament in high regard and desire it not be profaned. For this reason, those in open and rebellious sin are often forbidden “the table” and turned away, lest they blaspheme Christ.
Canon 915 of the Romanist sect says that “the pastoral presumption of a would-be communicant’s eligibility for the sacrament must yield to a minister’s recognition of certain objective and publicly observable conditions in a would-be recipient that render him ineligible for reception.”
Additionally, conditions include “imposed excommunication or interdict” or, as with Joe Biden, an “obstinate perseverance in manifest grave sin.”
Advocating for baby murder is a pretty grave sin.
However, Biden told the press that the leftist-progressive Pope of Rome, Francis – one with obvious Marxist sensibilities – is more than happy to let the baby murder advocate partake in the body and blood of Jesus.
You can watch him below.
Pope Francis is routinely undermining Roman Catholic dogma and is taking Romanism on a strong turn away from their traditional Western and pro-life values.