[Lifesite] The backlash is continuing against the gender-neutral bathrooms transgender activists are demanding. Earlier this month, I noted a story in this month’s edition of The Atlantic, written by a parent who discussed the chaos that resulted when the school decided to eliminate gender designations for student bathrooms — without consulting the parents. This parent — who is very much a liberal — described the profound discomfort of the students, some of whom simply refused to use the bathroom while at school and waited until the school day was over.
According to the Daily Mail, these policies are having a similar impact in the United Kingdom, where gender-neutral bathrooms “have left girls feeling unsafe and even put their health at risk,” according to both teachers and parents. In fact, they reported, the surge in primary and secondary schools implementing gender-neutral bathrooms has made girls “who are menstruating so anxious about sharing facilities with boys that some are staying at home for fear of being made to feel ‘period shame.’” Some are even “risking infections by refusing to urinate all day,” and others are coping by refusing to drink liquids while at school.
This has led to both doctors and politicians calling on schools who are making moves to switch to a gender-neutral bathroom system to stop implementation, with Dr. Tessa Katz saying that “holding in urine for prolonged periods on a regular basis could increase risk of girls suffering urinary and bladder infections.” With teachers and parents stating that girls are feeling “deeply uncomfortable or even unsafe sharing toilets with male students,” halting the shift to gender-neutral bathrooms is necessary “to prevent any further harm to female pupils.”
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[Editor’s Note: Original article was written by Jonathon Van Maren published by Lifesite. Title and photo changed by Pulpit and Pen]