In a total farce of what ‘tongues’ means or has ever meant, Stone babbled nonsense words that meant nothing and then checked his cellphone like it was no big deal.
Then, Pulpit & Pen and some other discernment sites picked up the ridiculous story and eventually Stone was made fun of on national television by Stephen Colbert.
Then, in a hilarious and yet sad follow-up, Perry Stone deleted the original video and posted this explanation for why he was on the phone. He had a good reason for why. He did not have a good reason for how.
Stone explains that his friend was giving him a cancer update via text message. Why God did not just tell him that, considering he was in the spirit, who know?
Stone also blamed the camera man for keeping the camera on him and not the crowd.
Then, Stone claimed that he had spoken recognizable tongues numerous times in the Middle East and his taxi-cab drivers (whose first names he recalled) could substantiate. So, if you happen to run across a cab driver named “Joseph” somwhere in the Middle East you can ask him to verify this totally, totally legit story.
Considering Noble references me at about the 3-minute mark, I’m going to review this clip on an upcoming episode of Polemics Report, which we’ll link once it’s posted.
[Editor’s Note: Contributed by JD Hall]