Reader Warning: The material in this article is disturbing. Sensitive readers, beware.
At a hearing on Capitol Hill on the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act, Congressman Chris Smith issued the following statement:
In a Florida abortion clinic, Sycloria Williams delivered a live baby at 23 weeks. The clinic owner took the baby, cut her umbilical, threw her into a bio-hazard bag gasping for air and put the bag in the trash.
This would have been the end of story, no justice for this child, had an anonymous call to the police had not been made. Another call was made. Three calls and one search warrant later, the police found the body of the child stuffed into a cardboard box.
Sycloria later held a funeral and named her baby Shaunice.
To read more about the situation click here.
In court, the doctor’s lawyers argued that the baby was too small to survive, and the cause of death on the autopsy report was “prematurity.”
Baby Stensurd survived at 21 weeks.
Baby Flanagan survived at 23 weeks.
Learn to do right; seek justice. Defend the oppressed. Take up the cause of the fatherless; plead the case of the widow. – Isaiah 1:17