In news that surprises few who have followed the sheer depravity of this man – both violent and sexual – this will not be a big surprise, but it is news. Todd Bentley is a major charismatic prophet with the New Apostolic Reformation and has a colossal ministry (especially overseas). He’s also famous from cheating on his wife during the entirety of the famous “Lakeland Revival” and doing supposed miracles by kicking and punching people. After his fall from grace due to his substance abuse and extramarital affairs, he was “restored to ministry” by the biggest names in Charismatic evangelicalism.
As written about at Reformation Charlotte…
Todd Bentley is the hyper-charismatic faith healer who claims to have raised multiple people from the dead and claims he heals people, yet with zero evidence of such healings. He has been involved in sex scandals as long as he’s been known in the charismatic world who fell from ministry and was subsequently restored by Rick Joyner.
A man closely involved in Bentley’s ministry by the name of Stephen Powell has come forward with allegations of homosexual activity and sexual abuse at the hands of Todd Bentley. If these allegations are true, and Todd Bentley has been acting sexually inappropriate with underage teens, then the authorities should be involved in this.
The allegations, according to Stephen Powell, copied directly from Stephen’s Facebook post(here is a screenshot in case it is removed), include,
- Screenshots of Todd asking a young single online student of his to “send him pictures of herself” on multiple occasions, asking her what she was wearing, on multiple occasions, asking for long hugs when they meet, and numerous other inappropriate and disturbing suggestions and appeals to this young lady who is not his wife.
- – Testimony of a male intern who claims that Todd offered to pay him $1,000 to allow him to perform oral sex on the male intern. Below is one of many examples of conversations I’ve had with witnesses like this young man. This is from my notes I took while having the conversation:
- 2013 Male Intern: there was a time that I was with Todd and I was struggling to get by…. I was living with my sister, working a job, just trying to pay my bills and get by, and Todd was supposed to be my mentor you know, and we’re hanging out and he’s paying for me to eat out, paying for me here paying for me there you know, and always showing off his money you know…. And he was like, “I know you’re struggling so”…. I don’t know how it came up, but He was like, “Can I suck your dxxx for $1,000”. And I’m like, “What?”. I was like, “What the F is your freaking problem… are you Fxxxing retarded”, and I was like oblivious…. And you know, it was not just that…. I saw pictures of His wife naked, fully naked, the whole nine yards.”
- Testimony by a male intern that witnessed such things, took it to Rick Joyner, and ultimately nothing was done and Todd was still allowed to go on in ministry as if everything was okay. Testimony that Rick Joyner refused to help this young man with his personal restoration after the 2013 incident.
- Testimony of a male intern who claims that Todd offered to pay him $500 to send Todd a video of him masturbating.
- Testimony of a male intern who claims that – – Todd and his wife sent him naked/sexual pictures and videos frequently.
- Testimony that Todd made out with his young female assistant whom he is not married to, walked into a room, closed the door, and stayed in there for at least 30 minutes with Jessa being in the same house and knowing about it.
- Testimony of Todd (or a male leader at Fresh Fire that’s alluded to as Todd) smoking weed with a male intern from 2018 and then offering the male intern sex.
- Testimony of Todd being caught with pornography on his phone, and of Todd being caught watching pornography in his hotel room with his female assistant that he was not married to. Todd’s excuse when He was caught was, “It’s no big deal, it’s just soft porn”.
- Testimony of crazy drunkenness, substance abuse, and crude sexual behavior and speech on Todd and Jessa’s part…. Some examples would be: 1) One former employee of Todd’s told me that one time he was on a plane with him and all Todd could talk about was “how much he wanted to have sex with the stewardess” and that he knew “she would like it rough”; 2) Another example would be from a Pastor I spoke to who saw Todd and Jessa walk into a restaurant… Todd then proceeded to get behind Jessa in front of everyone and act like he was engaging her sexually. The pastor was shocked with what He saw.
- Testimony from a pastor who claims that a young couple in his church were approached by Todd to “swing” with them… to have an open sexual relationship and exchange partners at times.
- I myself have seen things over the years that I find very disturbing. I myself have seen Todd preach, pray, and prophesy over the people, only to leave the meeting, purchase hard liquor, and walk into his hotel to party the rest of the night.
- I myself have seen and heard Todd and Jessa speak with unclean/foul speech.
[Editor’s Note: This post was first published (except the opening paragraph) at Reformation Charlotte. Title changed by P&P]