In what is a total shock, it turns out that another Drag Queen Story Timer is a sexual deviant and poor role model for children. The man who performed in drag for innocent children and their progressive, abusive parents in Austin who is known as Miss Kitty Litter (we kid you not) turns out to be a prostitute.
Mass Resistance, an organization headquartered in Houston, Texas, uncovered two convicted child molesters who had volunteered and served as story-tellers at Drag Queen Story Time library events.
However, they have now uncovered that Miss Kitty Litter is a sex-worker. His Facebook page includes references to sodomy, sadomasochism, and other bizarre sexual acts. After seeing social media posts from the gentlemen that seemed to endorse prostitution, they uncovered the following.
Miss Kitty Litter is a prostitute, according to court documents. Mass Resistance also included a document that includes a 136-page pdf of his horrid social media posts.
His stage name, Kitty Litter, is according to Urban Dictionary and the social media posts provided by Mass Resistance, a slang term for the biological fluid left over after a male prostitution encounter.
Nonetheless, the mothers in the photo above apparently thought it would be “cute” to pose with a man who believes himself a woman, and a library thought it was a good idea to introduce him to kids.