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‘Progressive’ Pastor Teams Up with Stripper to Help Illegal Immigration

News Division

Do you not know that your bodies are members of Christ? Shall I then take the members of Christ and make them members of a prostitute? Never! – 1 Corinthians 6:15

A stripper at a “vegan strip club” (we don’t know what that is, but we presume the dancers are probably skin-and-bone, the poor things) and a progressive ‘pastor’ have teamed up to help out those who’ve been detained in ICE raids.

We presume the man’s rainbow-colored clerical collar (above) says it all.

According to OregonLive, Dawn McCall – and a team of her fellow “sex-industry workers” – will hold charity events the next two Saturdays at a strip club that has a vegan-only menu and also has a policy of prohibiting performers from wearing animal products on stage (but I’m pretty sure that a strip club prohibits wearing almost anything on stage).

So yes, even women who dance around in their birthday suits can still wave virtue in the year 2019.

Adam Ericksen is a ‘pastor’ at the Clackamas United Church of Christ in Milwaukie (in the Portland area) to take part in that fundraiser and support it financially.

We kid you not. This is real.

As the story goes, the stripper learned about Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) raids that detained 600 people around the country, mostly working at meat processing plants. The stripper wanted to show her support, so she organized the fundraiser and the pastor reached out to her to see how he could help her clothesless money-making scheme.

You know…just like Jesus or St. Paul would do.

‘Pastor’ Ericksen said, “Christianity is about trying to help those on the margins of society — that’s where God goes. Anyone who goes to people who need to be loved, I want to be on their team.”

There is no biblical passage of Jesus visiting a stip-club, although he did talk to promiscuous women on occasion when he happened to be near them in the public marketplace or the center of town near a well. Jesus didn’t ask either of those women (John 4, John 8) to partner with him in ministry.

The stripper and the pastor first sparked up a friendship after his progressive church signs garnered the attention of the press. The stripper then sent his church $150 donation and the two became good friends.