After releasing a very brief trailer of an upcoming documentary on Social Justice, Tom Ascol of Founders Ministries has backed down from criticism, and decided to pull footage from ‘woke’ Social Justice leaders who didn’t like the way they might be portrayed in the upcoming footage.
We wrote about the outrage toward Founders Ministries in the posts, Four SBC Seminary Presidents Chide Founders Ministries for Causing Disunity, Hysteria: SBC Elites Angry at Documentary Exposing Dangers of Identity Politics in SBC, Social Justice Leaders FREAK OUT Over Citing Their Own Words, and SBC Voices Hit Piece on Tom Ascol the Dumbest Thing I’ve Ever Read.
So, turns out, Ascol backed down.
Essentially, the issue is that Ascol’s Founders Ministries interviewed quite a few people at the annual SBC meeting, including some of the more notable ‘woke’ Social Justice leaders like Albert Mohler, Danny Akin, and Mark Dever. They all knew they were being recorded for the sake of a documentary. However, production folks failed to get waivers signed from the woke leaders (a terrible mistake).
After seeing the trailer, they freaked out that Ascol apparently wasn’t going to take it easy on them.
So, the Intelligentsia did what the Intelligensia does: they dismissed, mocked, and attacked Ascol. They worked up the Latte Mafia into a frenzy.
Legally, Ascol has every right to release the footage because they knew they were being recorded. Whether or not he can profit from the film is a gray area.
However, Ascol released a statement earlier today stating that he would honor their request to Canerize the footage. After mentioning complaints from Mohler, Akin, Jason Allen and Adam Greenway (four seminary presidents), Ascol wrote:
Some other men have also asked that their interviews not be used, including Mark Dever and Jonathan Leeman. Others have been pressured to withdraw. We will, of course, honor these requests.In fact, out of fairness to them, we are willing to release complete, unedited footage of their interviews apart from the cinedoc. That will allow them (and others) to consider their words with the assurance that they have not been edited in ways in which they do not approve.
It seems that the footage of these men expressing their opinions on Social Justice will only be made known if they agree to it.
Sadly, these Social Justice Warriors are hiding their actual positions on the subject, deathly afraid of exposing their real sentiments.
Even sadder still is Ascol’s backing down to their demands. I would remind Ascol of Luke 12:3…
Therefore whatever you have said in the dark shall be heard in the light, and what you have whispered in private rooms shall be proclaimed on the housetops.