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The Gospel Coalition Now Treating Food Allergies as a “Gospel Issue”

News Division

It’s basically like self-parody. The Latte Mafia over at The Gospel Coalition have somehow managed to turn everything into a so-called “gospel issue.” There is not a single progressive, bleeding heart talking point that these limp-wristed Soy Boys can’t twist a Bible verse to promote. They must let no virtue go unsignaled.

We’ve made fun of TGC’s “gospel issue” mania for years. But they’ve just jumped the gospel issue shark.

Citing five different Bible verses throughout the article, none of which have anything to do with food allergies, TGC contributor, Lauren Bargas, wrote a piece for their website extolling Christians to be just in our dealings with those who suffer from food allergies.

The post reads more like lifestyle blog psycho-babel than theology. It’s basically Moralistic Therapeutic Mommy Blogging.

Bargas’s Master’s thesis is entitled, “A Biblical Response to the Pain of Food Allergies, Intolerances, and Related Health Problems.” Which, of course, is why women don’t need to go to seminary. You shouldn’t treat Biblical doctrine like a midwestern housewife treats Pinterest.

Beginning with a citation of Matthew 4:4, “Man shall not live by bread alone,” (a verse about Jesus and the Gospel) Bargas then asks:

But what happens if you can’t eat bread at all? Or fruit? Or dairy? Or eggs? For a growing number of people, this is their world. This is my world. If you don’t suffer from food allergies, you likely know or love someone who does—a brother, a sister, a wife, a child, a church member.

Embarrassing drivel. This is to proper exposition what Beth Moore’s crazy-eyed rants are to preaching.

Bargas continues, “I used to get angry and defensive when people would say, “Wow, good for you, but I could never go without bread or fruit. I like my donuts too much!” Statements like these felt trite and offensive.”

See? Be sensitive to your gluten-free friends. Be a shoulder for the peanut-allergic to cry on. May the lactose intolerant find the church to be a big, happy, cheeseless safe space.

Oh, but even though Bargas is having thoughts about as deep as a United Methodist girl’s catechesis program, she uses words that appear at first to have meaning but upon fuller investigation are just token catchwords to the “Gospel Centered” cottage industry.

“Through food losses, I have been deeply sanctified and have experienced the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. And that’s worth far more than any donut.”


Oh, deep thoughts. Sooooo deep. Thank you, Gospel Coalition, for this spiritual junk food in a wrapper labeled “theology.”

Bargas ends this absurd article by writing, “As you steward the restrictions God has given you, may you hear, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant...”