As previously reported by Pulpit & Pen, Jerry Falwell, Jr., recently took Russell Moore to the woodshed. Falwell, a no-nonsense conservative, knows what any other astute political observer knows; Russell Moore is a Democratic operative and social progressive who uses his religious position to promote a liberal agenda. After Falwell rightfully challenged Dr. Moore’s credentials to be criticizing immigration policy decisions, Moore immediately sent out his ERLC colleagues to ruthlessly attack Falwell as a “clown” and a “creep.”
The Evangelical Intelligentsia doesn’t do their own dirty work. They have the lackeys on their dole to it for them. Russell Moore has an army of ERLC “research fellows” who – as best as we can tell – don’t do research, but instead do the hatchet-jobs that Moore can’t do himself if he wants to maintain his polite and pristine persona.
One of the most notable ERLC fellows and one of the most nauseatingly sycophantic is Thomas Kidd. Kidd led the assault against Falwell on behalf of Moore.

Although done passive-aggressively with a chance for plausible deniability, Kidd was clearly referring to Falwell, Jr. His friends recognized this fact immediately.

The “fantastic, faithful employee” referred to by Kidd was none other than Karen Swallow Prior, a radical animal rights activist and gay-affirming feminist who has done everything possible to undermine Liberty University’s worldview during her tenure there.
Prior is also a research fellow of the ERLC.
Seth Dunn pointed out that Kidd was referencing Prior.

And then, Karen Swallow Prior herself jumped into the thread, posting a link to our article, Open Letter to Jerry Falwell, Jr. Drain the Swamp and Fire Karen Swallow Prior.

Consider this for a moment. Karen Swallow Prior’s boss is being ruthlessly attacked by her colleague at the ERLC and instead of jumping in to defend her employer, she piles on insult to injury. There is Falwell Jr., being attacked by her cronies, and Prior is off to the side, laughing and making fun. Why is she still employed by Liberty again?
Then, a third ERLC reseach fellow chimed in to ‘amen’ Kidd’s name-calling and insults.

No doubt, Russell Moore will get brownie points for staying calm and collected, refusing to ‘return evil for evil’ (the Huffington Post was bragging on him just this morning). But Russell Moore can afford to turn the other cheek because his ERLC colleagues are vicious sharks who chew up his critics like chum in the water.
ERLC “research fellows” are basically like Mean Girls with a Burn Book.
What Thomas Kidd said about Falwell, that he is a “clown” and “creep” should really be repudiated with the highest levels of indignation. Unfortunately, it’s supported entirely by his boss at the ERLC, Russell Moore.