Miley Cyrus was marketed to little girls more than a decade ago as a “good Southern Baptist girl.” Cyrus was raised in Nashville and baptized in a Southern Baptist Church. She professed Jesus as Lord, having walked an aisle and said the Sinner’s Prayer.
In 2005, Cyrus said in an interview, “I am very spiritual in my own way. Let me make it clear, though—I am a Christian. Jesus is who saved me. He’s what keeps me full and whole.”
Cyrus once wore a “purity ring” and promised to save her virginity until marriage and lamented in a Vanity Fair interview young girls her age who were having sex. Undiscerning Christian parents were buying their daughters Hannah Montana backpacks and lunchboxes, assured that Cyrus was “the real thing.”
In the end, we see in retrospect that a whole generation of Disney stars wore virginity rings and professed Christ – from the Jonas Brothers, Selena Gomez, Hillary Duff, Justin Beiber and one of the first to try this stunt, Jessica Simpson – who turned out to be a pack of godless hedonists. It was a marketing ploy, and it worked.
In her most recent attack on God himself, Miley Cyrus took to Instagram to promote the abortion giant, Planned Parenthood, by, well…licking an abortion cake.
In the post, laden with profanity, Cyrus announced a “collaboration” with Planned Parenthood. Cyrus also posted a topless photo in which she held a split grapefruit in front of her breasts while displaying sweatshirts to the right of the photo with the expression, “Don’t @#% with my freedom.”
One would think that if Cyrus wants to sell sweatshirts, she would have put one on to model it. But, no. Topless grapefruits…that’s the ticket.
There really are no ideological arguments that can be made in support of Planned Parenthood. Their media campaigns are nothing but celebrity-driven stunts of topless photos and profanities. There is not an intellectual case to be made for aborticide. If there were, Planned Parenthood wouldn’t be choosing Miley Cyrus to make it.
In the meantime, let it be observed that saying the Sinner’s Prayer, walking an aisle, or being baptized in a Southern Baptist Church (or any church) doesn’t save you.