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New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary Hosts “Minority Only” Faculty Job Fair

News Division

Based on a tip, Pulpit & Pen learned that New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary, one of the Southern Baptist Convention’s six seminaries, is hosting a job fair and faculty hiring event for “minorities only.” The event is being held today from 10AM to 2PM, with lunch provided in the middle (the online calendar says the event is only 10AM to Noon).

We spoke to Jennifer at the Dean of Students Office, who confirmed that the event was for only non-Caucasians. She reiterated that it was not an ‘outside job fair,’ but was only for staffing positions within the seminary and was an inside job fair.

White men need not apply.

The event is being hosted at the Leavell Center, according to the Dean of Students’ Office.

Online, the event does not say that it is ‘minority only,’ but the event is not accepting students who are not “of color.”

Pulpit & Pen left a message with Chris Shaffer, who’s listed on the event calendar as its organizer, and asked why NOBTS is discriminating based upon race. Certain questions should arise whether or not the behavior of this Southern Baptist seminary in regards to limiting faculty hiring events to certain ethnicities violates the Equal Opportunity Act of 1972. He has not yet returned our call for comment.

You can also call Shaffer to inquire about the event at 504-418-2351, extension 8149.

The SBC is fully submerged in the Great Awokening, and it seems that every Southern Baptist entity is catching up to their progressive mainstream denomination peers.

The Scripture tells us twice in the Pauline epistles that God is not a respecter of race, and that in his eyes, there is “no Jew, no Greek, no Sythian, no slave, no freedmen” (Galatians 3:28).

Why are Southern Baptist entities so intent on engaging in the Marxist princples of Critical Race Theory? Why are they so opposed to Martin Luther King’s ethos of color-blindness? Why are they disregarding the Bible and viewing people by the color of their skin and not the content of their character?

One wonders, now that NOBTS is quartering off events for minorities only, if they’ll soon start segregating water fountains.