Just a week or so after side-stepping questions on Social Justice and evading the topic at the Shepherds Conference, Ligon Duncan emphatically endorsed the homosexual Anglican Priest, Sam Allberry on a Q&A panel at
After trying to get someone else to answer the question in regard to the pro-gay Revoice Conference and being unable to moonwalk out of the issue, Duncan claimed that Revoice had no connections to the PCA or SBC. Of course, Duncan meant that it had no official connection. The abomination was hosted at a PCA church and organized by a graduate of Southern Seminary. It was also promoted by numerous officials with the SBC’s Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC).
Then, Duncan endorsed the work of the gay priest and said that the sodomite’s work was one of the two best books to turn to in order to understand the issue.
I, I, think if you want to get a, a, a, a, wise, careful biblical take on identity and sexual attraction, either Kevin DeYoung’s book on homosexuality or Sam Allberry’s book, Is God Anti-Gay, will give you a better take on how identity ought to relate to issues in relation to Same-Sex Attraction than the kinds of opinions that were shared at the Revoice Conference, which I find to be unhelpful…
You could have heard a pin drop. You can watch the video here (time stamp 1.32.00).
Allberry has espoused his beliefs that the church should honor and respect “non-traditional” families. Allberry has also used his platform to encourage churches to endorse homosexuals adopting children. He has also encouraged homosexual men to have “intimate and physical” relationships with other homosexuals, so long as intercourse is not involved.
Furthermore, Allberry does refer to himself as a “gay Christian” depending upon his audience.
Allberry claims to be a celibate homosexual, but does not believe that spiritual conversion will by necessity sanctify someone away from desires for sodomy. He has been pivotal in changing the minds of Duncan and other Reformed Evangelical Leaders who now no longer feel that homosexual desire is a sin unless acted upon.
Jesus, in his Sermon on the Mount, begs to differ.
Do you think Duncan would have dropped Allberry’s name at the
[Editor’s Note: Sinclair Ferguson said, “What’s Revoice?” That makes me more upset than anything. Either (A) he’s lying that he doesn’t know what it is, and it’s a cowardly way to evade the question or (B) he’s wandering around lost in his ivory tower and doesn’t need to be on a stage answering questions – JD]