The 2019 Shepherd’s Conference speakers, all invited by John MacArthur amidst much controversy and protest, are personally responsible for the promotion and propagation of a gay priest who just taught against traditional gender roles and likened the atonement to gender dysphoria, claiming that Jesus had “body issues.”
Sam Allberry is an editor and writer at The Gospel Coalition, which has a Council that includes Albert Mohler, Mark Dever, H.B. Charles, and Ligon Duncan.

All of these men have oversight of TGC and its authors, platforms, and publications. All of these men have helped to promote the gay Anglican priest and propel him to platforms like Ravi Zacharias Ministries, where last night he urged the church to loosen gender roles and made the disparaging remarks about King David and King Jesus.
Asking the question if they affirm the gay priest isn’t a matter of guilt by association, because they are literallly promoting him through TGC (neither is asking the question wholly necessary, because they clearly affirm him through their organization).
Perhaps a better question is if Dr. MacArthur stands by this gay priest and his attacks on traditional gender roles and his blasphemy regarding the atonement of Christ. And if not, why would MacArthur partner with those who aid and abet the gay lobby, especially among such a resounding protest by