Sam Allberry is a priest of an apostate denomination, the Anglican church, who is Same Sex attracted. Allberry has also become the gay darling of the Evangelical Intelligentsia because he claims to be celibate, even though he acknowledges that he still desires to sodomize men and be sodomized by others. Allberry provides a safe middle-ground for evangelicals who are softening their tone on homosexuality but aren’t quite ready to fully embrace it.
Most recently, The Gospel Coalition promoted a video by the homosexual priest in which he advocated for pushing governments to allow adoption by singles and those without nuclear families of both a mother and a father.
Keep in mind that Allberry recently advocated for the destruction of the nuclear family at the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) convention ironically named the “Cross-Shaped Family Conference.” Allberry redefined “family” as it deals with how God designed the mother-father parental unit and demanded that evangelicals employ the ecclesiastical concept of church ‘family’ to the home structure, which would allow “gay Christians” to be seen as a part of the family unit. While the church may be spoken of in terms of family
Allberry has previously argued that homosexuals should have physical (but ostensibly non-sexual), “intimate” relationships with others of the same sex. Allberry has suggested letting lonely homosexuals babysit your kids so as to provide them with c
Now, Allberry – who demands we honor homosexuals so long as they claim celibacy – says that they should be able to adopt children.
The Gospel Coalition’s board includes Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary (SBC) president, Danny Akin, Thabiti Anyabwile, Tim Keller, Russell Moore, and Ray Ortlund. It also includes G3 speakers, David Platt
And finally, the Gospel Coalition board includes 2019 Shepherd’s Conference speakers HB Charles, Albert Mohler, and Ligon Duncan – all of whom are apparently fine with a homo-priest encouraging Christians to let their single homosexual friends adopt kids, or at least fine with that sodomy-drenched view being represented and promoted by their organization.
To watch video: