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YouTube Changes Search Results of Pro-Life Videos to Appease Liberals

News Division

[The Blaze] A YouTube search for the word “abortion” has been significantly wiped clean of top results with pro-life videos after a writer for Slate contacted the company and complained.

April Glaser tweeted about complaining to YouTube about the pro-life videos and their response.

“Search for ‘abortion’ on YouTube last week and the top results were a horrifying mix of gore and dangerous misinformation,” she tweeted.

“YouTube changed the results after I asked,” she added.

Glaser wrote that the search results showed too many videos that showed how gruesome the operation is, and she objected to the lack of pro-abortion videos as top results for the search.

“If, until recently, you did the same over on Google-owned YouTube, it felt like you were searching in a whole other universe,” Glaser wrote in her Slate piece, apparently referring to a universe where people object to abortion.

“Before I raised the issue with YouTube late last week, the top search results for ‘abortion’ on the site were almost all anti-abortion—and frequently misleading,” she added, without explaining where videos had misled viewers.

Instead, Glaser worries that the search results could lead viewers to videos like the one from Ben Shapiro that highlights the experience of a woman who regretted aborting her child.

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[Editor’s Note: This article was written by Carlos Garcia and published first at The Blaze]