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Pro-LGBT Catholic Priest Selling “Rainbow Rosaries”to Support Abortion

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[Lifesite News]  CHARLOTTE, North Carolina, December 14, 2018 (LifeSiteNews) – Profits from the sacrilegious rosary promoted by LGBT-affirming Father James Martin last week will fund groups supportive of abortion and other causes in conflict with Catholic teaching.

Some of the proceeds from “Rosary of Modern Sorrows” will go to Sister Simone Campbell’s NETWORK, a social justice lobbying group of U.S. Catholic nuns cited as problematic by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF). Other groups receiving the proceeds include Women for Women International, which promotes contraception and “reproductive health” and has partnered with Planned Parenthood and leftist groups such as Southern Poverty Law Center.

The rosary is the product of social justice group Contemplative Rebellion and has decades comprised of social justice intentions, with the fifth decade consisting of rainbow beads. The suggested prayer for the decade petitions for the “full acceptance” of LGBT couples. Its Charities We Support page lists a numer of problematic partners. The company says it gives 20 percent to 100 percent of its profits to the listed charities.

Martin had promoted the rosary on Twitter and Facebook, as reported by LifeSiteNews last week. 

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In 2012 the Vatican’s CDF had censured the Leadership Conference of Women Religious (LCWR), the association of the leaders of congregations of Catholic women religious in the United States representing more than 80 percent of the 57,000 women religious (nuns) in the country, for its positions on pro-life issues, women’s ordination and homosexuality, also naming NETWORK in the process.

NETWORK had worked to undermine the US Bishops’ opposition to Obamacare because of abortion funding.

Campbell herself undermined the Bishops’ efforts to ensure pro-life protections in Obamacare by pushing for a bill the Bishops opposed and then supporting a bill that would put more federal funding into Planned Parenthood and mandate abortion coverage in state medical assistance programs. Both Planned Parenthood and NARAL also backed the bill.

Campbell pushed for swift passage of Obamacare; despite concerns it meant the largest expansion of abortion since Roe v. Wade, which she dismissed as “insignificant details,”

Campbell also supports women priests and opposes outlawing abortion.

In addition to supporting NETWORK, the rainbow-rosary making group funds other non-profits that support abortion, including the radical Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC).

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[Editor’s Note: This article was written by Lisa Bourne and first published at LifeSite News, title changed by P&P. This re-post is not an endorsement of the theology of Lifesite News]