According to Kyle J. Howard, who earned a place at the head table with Russell Moore and Beth Moore at the MLK50 event, he has fought a long, hard battle against white privilege and understands the black struggle. Howard claims to have faced underprivilege, underrepresentation, explicit and implicit racism and had to claw his way up from the ghetto and gang life in order to find himself fighting for racial reconciliation at “white” evangelical institutions. In reality, Howard is half Caucasian, was raised by two attorney parents in an affluent Atlanta suburb, and there is no evidence whatsoever he ever spent time in a gang. Kyle J. Howard is, and always was, more highly privileged than the vast majority of Americans. If Howard didn’t have a silver spoon in his mouth from the womb, it was soon therein inserted. Howard has spent his life as a career student and perpetually insulated in the safe spaces of colleges and universities.
Howard has claimed he would be “afraid” to be alone in a room with James White (insinuating that White might do him bodily harm), a strange accusation for someone who once supposedly held their own in a brutal Atlanta gang. He also claimed that his wife was afraid to go onto the campus of Southern Seminary because all the racist bands roaming around that institution (the statistics demonstrate it’s about as safe as a socialized Scandinavian country on Christmas Eve). Howard claimed that calling someone a “Marxist” is the same as calling them the “N-word.”
In reality, Howard is likely someone with extraordinarily wealthy parents who do not mind subsidizing his lifestyle as a professional student. With time on his hands, Howard has fancied himself as a “racial trauma counselor,” irrespective of that not really being a thing. It sounds like a thing, and so anyone who questions the validity of such a career, or whether or not that’s actually his career (or anybody else’s) is fancied a “racist.” Engaging in hashtag slacktivism, Howard spins Cultural and Economic Marxism into a theological yarn, using bits and phrases of Reformed Theology he has picked up at various churches or institutions and interlacing them with leftist talking points from Black Lives Matter and the #MeToo movement.
What you may not know about Kyle J. Howard is that in between finding the time to attend school in his mid-thirties, fabricating non-existent careers and accusing American evangelical leaders of bigotry and racism, he has managed to masquerade as a caped superhero in tights, taking the alter ego identity of Super Theologian.

The Internet is a weird place and Twitter is even stranger. A trend we saw began about five years ago were anonymous or pseudonymous Twitter accounts operating under the identity of super-heroes. New Calvinism has a streak of immaturity a mile wide. The most renown of these pseudonymous accounts is Calvinist Batman, who has appeared on different podcasts and written at different websites as a fairly anonymous celebrity in certain circles (we exposed his identity here). Rather than being a brave caped crusader, his name is Matthew Manchester who has deep emotional and behavioral issues and is, according to his church leadership, a “troubled young man.” Being famous in social media is like being rich in Monopoly money, and doesn’t amount to much in real life. Nonetheless, the comic book-loving manchild seemed to form the nucleus of a group of hundreds of mostly grossly immature Calvinist fanboys who took names like, “Calvinist Hulk,” “Calvinist Superman,” and “Calvinist Aquaman.” Reformed Theology just became a hobby for these children to “Geek out” about, just like comic books, video games, or Marvel movies.
Low and behold, Kyle J. Howard donned his own cape during the zenith of the Calvinist Superhero phase and went by the name, “Super Theologian.”* There are no delusions of grandeur there, I’m sure. Apparently the business of “racial trauma” is slow enough that one can pretend to be a superhero in their spare time. This is good to know.
Howard’s pinned tweet from this account takes a shot at our expose’ of Matthew Manchester, aka Calvinist Batman. Apparently, superheroes stick together.
Keep in mind, this man with his characteristic cute-as-a-cucumber speech impediment and secret superhero identity claims to have been a Crips gangbanger. I think it’s more plausible that Howard just likes to play pretend and that – this is just an assumption, I do not know for sure – he sleeps in a race car bed.
Although Howard came out of the superhero closet a number of years ago, this fact might be lost on many who have had to deal with his antics, accusations, race-baiting, fear-mongering, virtue-signaling and weaponized victimology. It was his voice, in a recent video played on the Polemics Report podcast, that made someone contact me and say, “I remember that voice. That’s Super Theologian.”

And as you can hear in Leighton Flowers’ review of Matthew Manchester’s Batman and Super Theologian, this is clearly the voice of Kyle J. Howard.
I’m sure many people were aware of Kyle J Howard’s superhero past. But for those who weren’t, I just wanted to make it clear that this is the guy who wants to be taken as a serious theologian in his criticism of Dr. MacArthur and others out there trying to defend the Gospel.
[Contributed by JD Hall]
*Was Calvinist Black Panther already taken? Seriously.