As you know, we at Pulpit & Pen are greatly concerned about the advance of New Calvinism, also known as the Young, Restless an Reformed (YRR). While most, but not all, writers at Pulpit & Pen are Reformed and Calvinistic Baptists, we are very cautious regarding the recent movement of young people to a type or kind of Calvinism that is rather new. I explained the difference between historic Reformed theology and New Calvinism at last year’s Judge Not Conference, and you can see my explanation of New Calvinism here.
Chiefly, New Calvinism is Continuationist in theology and Charismatic in practice, suffers from post-millennial, culture-conquering and social justice mission drift, and is overly concerned with fads and coolness. Finally, New Calvinism shuns piety and devalues personal holiness.
Eight years ago, Paul Washer was asked about the dangers of the YRR Movement (the concept then was still very much new) and he absolutely hit the nail on the head. You can watch the video below.