Like moths to a flame, a gaggle of the world’s most notorious false teachers have flocked to eulogize and celebrate the death and life of Billy Graham. Attendees at the private, invitation-only event included Elevation Church pastor Steven Furtick, survival-slop peddling doomsday felon, Jim Bakker, and wild-eyed prophetess, Beth Moore.
Held at the Billy Graham Library in Charlotte, North Carolina, the whos-who of evangelicalism gathered for the occasion.
Appearing as though it were a red carpet event, the attendees all gathered in fashionable garb and bright smiles, angling for camera spotlight and the attention of others.

Bakker, who was credibly accused of raping a woman with another evangelist by his side and which the allegation and subsequent pay-off to the victim led to his eventual incarceration for fraud, waxed eloquent about the evangelist who warmly embraced him.
Bakker said of Graham a few days prior:
The day before, I had heard that he had been voted one of the top three most respected men in the world and now he was in my prison comforting me. The week I was released from prison, I was sitting in the Graham home eating chicken dinner.
That first Sunday, out of prison, I was surrounded by the Graham family. If there was and is an example of a Godly, Christ-loving family, it is the family that Ruth and Billy raised. That heritage lives on in their children, Franklin, Anne, Ruth, Gigi and Nelson.
This follows up on a heart-warming tribute to Billy Graham by the President of the United States, Donald J. Trump, who arranged for Graham to be laid in honor at the U.S. Capital and attended the funeral.
Controversely, it was much harder to find more-solid evangelical leaders at the funeral of Graham, although many – including Albert Mohler and Russell Moore – gave tributes and accolades in social media and to the press.
“Woe to you, when all people speak well of you, for so their fathers did to the false prophets” (Luke 6:26).