Today was the long-awaited day that Donald Trump spoke at the Liberty University convocation. Trump, the Southern Baptist Convention’s most hated man, is a favorite among many other evangelicals. In fact, so much so that he’s been likened to a golden calf by Ethics and Religious Liberties Commission president, Russell Moore. Moore tweeted the following today in response to Trump’s speech at Liberty.
Moore, who has been a staunch opponent of Donald Trump since the beginning has made it clear that he would rather give his left arm than allow Trump to take office. Moore has taken on a new mission lately, and it’s to convince people that putting politics ahead of the Gospel is unchristian, and unbiblical.
I would totally agree with him on that. But this is hypocritical, at best, coming from the man who’s been fawning over Marco Rubio like a teenage girl over the next Disney boy-band. Not only did Moore invite Rubio, the Roman Catholic, to the North American Mission Board’s SEND event (to talk about nothing that had to do with missions, but everything to do with politics), he also co-authored an article in the Washington Post with him on Christmas eve. In this article, he and Rubio (the Roman Catholic that rejects sound biblical doctrine of grace alone through faith alone in favor of Roman Catholic doctrine) discussed “remembering the slaughtered Christians in the Middle East.” Great, and we should, but is Russell Moore also forgetting that Marco Rubio is not a Christian, and needs to repent and believe the true Gospel? Sure, he understands Catholic doctrine, but, interestingly, he’s putting politics before the Gospel here.
Donald Trump has pretty much taken over Moore’s professional life over the last several months. Just look at Moore’s twitter account to see how many tweets he has bashing Trump. It’s comical. For someone who is so adamant about politics not taking precedent over the Gospel, it sure is hypocritical to spend so much time trying to see to it that one man doesn’t get in there. Sure, he’s fine with the Gospel being forefront if Rubio, the open border’s advocate, wins the nomination. But he takes a completely different spin with Trump.
Below are some more tweets from Moore’s meltdown on Donald Trump at LU today.
I don’t remember this kind of outrage or commentary from Moore while the Socialist Bernie Sander’s spoke at Liberty University several months back. Interestingly, however, Sanders is pro-open borders, like Marco Rubio (whose religious outreach program is run by Moore’s friend, Eric Teetsel), and Moore.
So is Russell Moore really advocating for putting the Gospel before politics? Or does he only mean it when a man he hates is in the forefront? Either way, his constant smearing of Donald TrumpĀ and fawning over Marco Rubio are ultimately going to backfire if he doesn’t lay off the issue.
The lady doth protest too much, methinks. – Shakespeare
[Contributed by Pulpit & Pen]