Hostilities from abortion advocates in Argentina continue to mount with the mid-July release of a graphic video game.
The South American country currently is considering legislation to legalize abortion on demand. Argentina currently prohibits unborn babies from being aborted except in cases involving rape, severe disabilities or threats to the mother’s life.
According to Crux, the new video game, “Doom Fetito,” has players race to procure an abortion-inducing drug by battling Catholic priests, Nazi-like police and pro-life women. Once those “opponents” have been conquered, players are supposed to kill “the boss,” which is an unborn child, in the “Doom”- style game.
The game developer said she was inspired to mock Argentina’s pro-life movement after seeing pictures on Twitter of a 20-foot cardboard baby during recent Argentine pro-life rallies, according to the report.
After players defeat the “villainous” child, the game displays the message: “You defeated fetito! Give this misoprostol to those in need so they might defeat it, too!” Misoprostol is an abortion-inducing drug that could become easily accessible in pharmacies if Argentina passes the pro-abortion bill. The Senate is scheduled to vote Aug. 8.