The Southern Baptist Convention recently voted to adopt a resolution to “reaffirm the sufficiency of biblical revelation over subjective experiential explanations to guide one’s understand of the truth about heaven and hell.” Oddly, a resolution to keep Lifeway from peddling Heaven is For Real went nowhere, affirming the old adage that “Your money’s where your mouth is.”
My friend and RefMT 2014 Conference speaker (you might know him from his presentations at Strange Fire), Justin Peters, has recently interviewed a Southern Baptist youth pastor who was fired for questioning his leadership regarding the very subject approved by the majority of messengers at the SBC. The Southern Baptist expressed his concerns when his church invited to speak Don Piper, author of “Ninety Minutes in Heaven.”
Sadly, church leadership dismissed his concerns and then dismissed him, reasoning with him that if Lifeway sells it, it must be solid. Listen to Justin’s interview with recently-fired Southern Baptist minister, Jim Hamond, below.
Maybe Lifeway ought to focus on substance rather than profit. Crazy, I know.