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The Color of Money in the Southern Baptist Convention: Dwight McKissic and the Economics of Race-Baiting

If you take a look around a typical Southern Baptist church you will notice that almost everyone filling the pews is white.  You will also notice that a disproportionate number of those white people are part of the fifty and older crowd.  Members of the younger generation, it seems, just don’t attend church like their … Read more

Southern Baptist Church in Tennessee Names Female Pastor

Southern Baptists have historically held that the pastorate is reserved for qualified male leadership in the church. But one Southern Baptist church is making strides into new territory. First Baptist Church of Jefferson City, TN, has named a new pastor–and her name is Ellen Di Giosia. As of this writing, the church is still listed … Read more

Abusing The Holy Spirit … United Methodist Style

“The Holy Spirit is the most forgotten, the most misrepresented, the most dishonored, the most grieved, the most abused, and I might even say the most blasphemed of the members of the Trinity.”  John MacArthur That statement by John MacArthur comes from a sermon in 2011, just two years prior to the release of his … Read more

ERLC Promotes Marxist "Racial Justice" This Sunday

This Sunday is “Racial Reconciliation Sunday,” as bequeathed by the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission. As a part of that effort, they have released free bulletin inserts to advertise the theme-day and promote the ERLC. The insert begins with a quotation from Martin Luther King, who they said “famously spoke of the ‘fierce urgency of … Read more

Race-Baiting and the ERLC: Dwight McKissic Defends Russell Moore and Demonstrates Why Eliminating the ERLC is the Best Course of Action

“The job of the organizer is to maneuver and bait the establishment so that it will publicly attack him as a ‘dangerous enemy.’” —Saul Alinsky Yesterday, Texas pastor Dwight McKissic published an article entitled “If Russell Moore is fired, ‘Unto Us’ A Trump Baptist Convention Is Born” at Southern Baptist interest blog SBC Voices. McKissic is not … Read more

The “Post-Truth” Church

Forever, O LORD, your word is firmly fixed in the heavens.  Psalm 119:89 This happens every year.  (Eccl. 1:9)  We’ve arrived at that chronological point of the year in which unfettered amounts of superfluous summarizing digital data will be hurled across any and all media. The summations of authoritative data will be culled from polls, … Read more

Church of The Red Kettle: Is God Just A Highly Effective Fundraising Tool? (Salvation Army Part Two)

“There is no limit to how complicated things can get, on account of one thing always leading to another.” E. B. White E.B. White’s observation of the obvious is assuredly the case when looking at the goings-on of The Salvation Army. Things get very complicated when trying to determine exactly what the Army is and … Read more

Lifeway: Jesus Wouldn’t Be Calling If They Really Had Doctrinal Guidelines

  “In a recent interview, [Hatmaker] voiced significant changes in her theology of human sexuality and the meaning and definition of marriage — changes which contradict LifeWay’s doctrinal guidelines,” LifeWay spokesman Marty King told Baptist Press today (Oct. 27). “As a result, LifeWay has discontinued selling her resources.” (Source, Baptist Press) While many on social … Read more

An Atheist Minister In Canada vs. A False Teacher In Lifeway

Orthdoxy. Sound doctrine. Authority and sufficiency of Scripture. The exaltation of Christ in His Word. These things may seem obvious expectations to be found in a church, for even the most casual reader of Scripture. Add the Biblically prescribed ordinances of the Lord’s Supper and Baptism and you could probably safely assume you have a … Read more

The Gathering … Cuz America is the New Israel

In just a couple of days, the preeminent, and self-proclaimed, spiritual “leaders” of “American Christianity” will be convening, on behalf of America, a “solemn assembly,” a la Old Testament precepts for God’s actual and only chosen nation – Israel. (But really, pesky little interpretative details about God’s revelation in Scripture don’t really matter when it’s … Read more

Baptist Leaders Demand Newspapers Not Criticize Entity Heads

Southern Baptists are our own best cheerleaders. The ubiquitous, distinguished sound of back-slapping can be heard long after the annual convention is held. Regardless of whatever stereotypical posturing-reboot the leadership masterminds (this year it was providing yet another chest-thumping denunciation of racism), we’re all sure it was ground-breaking, history-making and brave. Whatever dead horse we decide to beat, … Read more