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The Beleaguered Disciple: One Woman’s story of finding discernment and losing Beth Moore.

In this guest post, JoAnne Elizabeth of Vancouver, WA recounts her experience of going from Beth Moore Groupie to warning every woman she knows to stay far, far away from Beth Moore. I once was a Beth Moore groupie.  I am no longer.  I have gone from completely undiscerning and unquestioning to something so much … Read more

Why God Has (Likely) Called You to Be a Long-Term Pastor

There I was, 19 years old. One of “my youth” just had their custodial (grand)parent pass away. I walked into a house full of mourners. I tried to say some polite, pastoral things over the sound of conversation and joke-telling and crying. They politely nodded and listened, but not really. It was a cultural thing … Read more

Douglas Wilson, Pedophiles and Pastors

I keep hearing a rumbling in the distance somewhere, the yonder droning on of what I believe sounds like survivor blogs, cackling and clucking about Douglas Wilson and pedophiles. Here are the facts (so it seems): A pedophile named Steven Sitler had become a part of Christ Church, where Douglas presides. When Sitler’s crimes were exposed to … Read more

War Room: A Review by Justin Peters

If you do not know the Kendrick brothers by name, you almost certainly know them by their films: Flywheel (2003),Facing the Giants (2006), Fireproof (2008), and Courageous (2011). Stephen, Alex, and Shannon Kendrick have just released their fifth faith-based film, War Room. War Room, starring popular Bible teachers Priscilla Shirer and Beth Moore, looks like it may well be the most successful of their films to date bringing in $11 million just on its opening weekend; more than triple it’s $3 million production budget.

Given the popularity of Christian themed films and the considerable buzz about this one in particular, my wife, Kathy, and I went to see War Room on the evening of September 3rd so that I could write a review. For those of you who read my review of Mark Burnett and Roma Downey’s movie, Son of God, you know that I am a bit skeptical of the Christian movie genre as a whole. Nonetheless, I do want to offer what I hope to be a fair review. This review will not touch on every single facet of the movie or even on every theme it presents, but I do hope to address what I believe to be the most important of them.

Josh Duggar, Scumbaggery, and the Gospel

Josh Duggar is a serial adulterer. Josh Duggar is a child fondler. There, I said…er, wrote it. When I heard that the Ashley Madison website (a prominent website that facilitates spouses cheating on one another, for those of you who don’t read the news or aren’t addicted to porn) had been hacked several weeks ago, … Read more

What is Gay-Affirming?

I’m sorry, but part of the brouhaha has been over defining what ‘affirming’ and ‘non-affirming language.’ This is affirming language. It may be very poorly expressed by the author here, because she says she’s not. But if you quote this…this argumentation…what’s the only possible conclusion? That we should approve of these relationships. I mean, at … Read more

Murderers Are Bad People?!?!?!?!!?

So you’re outraged that Planned Parenthood is selling body parts that they harvest from the unborn humans they get paid to murder? Good! It IS outrageous! But is your reaction partly fueled by the fact that Planned Parenthood is funded by your tax dollars and you have financial and economic concerns? In two weeks, after … Read more

Doctrines of Devils

We are living in the most significant, yet volatile, days of history; wherein, civilizations have become intertwined with all kinds of politics, economies, relationships, governments, people groups, racial backgrounds, religions, Christianity (God’s way of living for time and eternity), the internet wave, astronomy and space travel, education, commerce, worldwide travel, conflict with violence between nations, worldwide natural disasters, famine and pestilences. It is hard to travel ANY where in the world to find peace and harmony with the absence of fear. God-given family life is being attacked and falling apart due to divorce, the sodomite (homosexual- GAY agenda, pornography, adultery, bestiality, polygamy, and all forms of wicked immorality), art, media, unprincipled movies, ungodly forms of music, greed, avarice, hatred, disobedience of children, and the list is expanded in the Bible of I Timothy 4 and I

Why I Put My Flag at Half-Mast…and why you should think about joining me

“Things are about to change. It’s show-time.” – Todd Friel Todd Friel joined me for breakfast on June 26, and broke from conversation long enough to check his phone. He received a text message that the Supreme Court had spoken on the issue of gay marriage. He, myself, and another brother at the table were … Read more

Rejoicing in Christ in a fallen world.

In the wake of recent happenings in the US that greatly affect Christians, some believers may be wondering what this world is coming to. Much of this has come as a shock to many, especially the “cultural Christian” segment, or the new religious right. After the supreme court ruling declaring it illegal for states to ban same-sex marriage, many emotions including disappointment, shock, and anger and even hatred spread throughout the dissenting population. While grieving over sin is both healthy, and righteous (Luke 6:25), we need to remember one thing–God is sovereign over all.

So while we can be disappointed, we can have opinions, we can talk, pray and express our thoughts and feelings, let’s not forget who we represent, and who we are to rejoice in–Jesus Christ.

And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose. – Romans 8:28

Foolish, Ignorant Controversies

2 Timothy 2:22-26  “So flee youthful passions and pursue righteousness, faith, love, and peace, along with those who call on the Lord from a pure heart. Have nothing to do with foolish, ignorant controversies; you know that they breed quarrels. And the Lord’s servant must not be quarrelsome but kind to everyone, able to teach, … Read more

The Weightiness Of Fatherhood And Why We Shouldn’t Forget The Fatherless

According to the National Fatherhood Initiative and the U.S. Census Bureau,  out of 24 million children in America — one out of every three — live in biological father-absent homes. Many of the social issues facing America today can be traced back to children growing up without a father. Just look at these astonishing statistics: … Read more

AW Pink was a Theonomist: So Was Mickey Mouse (by Reformed Libertarian)

In a recent post, Joel McDurmon concluded “I do not hesitate to call A. W. Pink a theonomist, for his position as explicated above is nothing short of Theonomy.” Apparently the theonomy tent is growing by leaps and bounds. I imagine it will soon include Marcionites. McDurmon offers two reasons: First, A.W. Pink says Matthew 5:17 refers … Read more