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Rowland Springs Baptist Church and the Demonic Cult of Freemasonry: Part One – Silence and Conviction

This entry is part 27 of 31 in the series Freemasonry

The following article is the first of a three part testimony about my experience with the cult of Freemasonry at my former church, Rowland Spring Baptist Church.  Rowland Springs Baptist Church is a Southern Baptist Church in Cartersville, Georgia and is a part of the Georgia Baptist Convention and Bartow Baptist Association. Pastor Joe Ringwalt stood up … Read more

Who is the Man Afraid to Be Alone with James White, Kyle J. Howard?

With James Riady, a corrupt Globalist and leftist financier funding Reformed Theological Seminary and other Calvinist-leaning institutions, and with George Soros funding projects of evangelicals like Russell Moore through his Open Societies Foundation, it’s reasonable to question whether or not outspoken individuals in our institutions are change agents for well-funded political causes. How do Marxists, … Read more

“Knighting” in the New Apostolic Reformation Part II

We recently posted an article from Church Watch Central about the Bethel Church “knighting ceremony” for Ben Fitzgerald, who is a missionary for Bethel and whose parents run the Christian ‘Tarot’ card New Age ministry, Christalignment, which Bethel first repudiated but then – when finding out it was their associates doing it – deleted their … Read more

Religious Financial Fraud: Balance Sheet for Global Christianity

Following the spectacular implosion of President Nixon’s political career in the Watergate scandal, Warner Brothers released the drama “All The President’s Men.” In a key scene informant Deep Throat tells Washington Post reporter Bob Woodward, “Just follow the money.” These words became a popular motto for investigative reporters and activists opposing financial fraud. In the … Read more

Empirical Evidence for a Modern Day Downgrade

In case anybody needed evidence of the current downgrade going on in the evangelical church, well, I found some.  My wife and I own a small cottage located in a Christian campground.  One of the claims to fame of this place is that Billy Graham was a camp counselor before he became the ecumenical evangelist … Read more

Jesus the Legend

A Dilemma with the Trilemma Jesus of Nazareth has always been a figure of controversy.  For over two thousand years people have argued about what he did and who he was.  The contentious activity surrounding his origin, activities, and identity grew after he suffered death by crucifixion under the rule of Pontius Pilate[1] but this … Read more

Preaching To The Choir?

Welcome! My name is Michael Coughlin. I am a Christian street preacher. I go to locations where groups of people will be gathered and proclaim the glorious gospel of grace to all those within earshot. Because faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of Christ, I have confidence that preaching God’s Word, in … Read more

Review: Right Thinking In A Church Gone Astray

The church has gone astray. That much may be said,hopefully, without much need for substantive discussion. But if you’re somewhat reluctant to wholeheartedly accept this notion, let the Foreword to Right Thinking In A Church Gone Astray perhaps persuade you. “If there were ever a time when the church needs to distinguish itself from the … Read more

The Irrelevant Christine Caine … A Dingo Ate My Legacy?

“ … in their greed they will exploit you with false words. Their condemnation from long ago is not idle, and their destruction is not asleep.  2 Peter 2:2 In Revelation 2:20, Christ chided the church of Thyatira in no uncertain terms.  “I have this against you, that you tolerate that woman Jezebel, who calls … Read more

On The Gospel Coalition’s “Wretched Infatuation” With Culture

Phil Johnson posted perhaps the most appropriate response to it.  His one-word reaction evokes a sort of slack-jawed, eye-rolling, bang head on desk, “Father forgive them” chiding. (Phil Johnson is the Executive Director of Grace To You.  According to the website, “He has been closely associated with John MacArthur since 1981 and edits most … Read more

Full List of News Links On Spiritual Abuser and Womanizer, Clayton Jennings

Clayton Jennings, who used his spiritual influence to talk many women into bed, who gave them alcohol to lower their inhibitions, commit fornication, and cover up the affair with the abortion pill – all between preaching engagements – is seeking a return to ministry after rejecting the counsel of his elders and spiritual mentor, Tony … Read more

Marketing Psychology and American Cults: Examining the Retention Practices of Scientology, Mormonism, and the Watch Tower

Religious Marketing in a Land of Opportunity Before British journalist Christopher Hitchens would ever become known as one of the “Four Horseman”[1] of the New Atheism movement, he was an award-winning, widely-read, globe-trotting journalist.  In a 1997 interview with The Progressive, the well-traveled Hitchens was asked why he chose to make his home in the … Read more