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Tyndale House Publishers Knew The Malarkey Book Was A Fraud

In response to the revelation that Alex Malarkey has recanted of his claims to have visited heaven, and repudiated his book “The Boy Who Came Back From Heaven”  and in light of Tyndale releasing this statement: which suggests they had JUST NOW learned about this fraud “We are saddened to learn that Alex Malarkey, co-author of ‘The Boy Who Came … Read more

Heaven is For Real: Is Discernment Dead?

We have good reason to believe that discernment is floating dead atop the surface of the wide stream of American evangelicalism like a bloated corpse drifting with the current. As far as that goes, discernment may not be dead in America’s largest denomination, but it is certainly dying. An example for your consideration… Dr. Steve … Read more

Propaganda via Kelly Boggs

This is an article released and written by Kelly Boggs of the Baptist Message. I am aware that for a long, long time, Louisiana Baptists have been begging Kelly Boggs to run an article highlighting these very issue. Boggs issued this article only after the secular press, in particular the Town Talk, ran (much less … Read more

Does Christianity Need a Chris Rosebrough?

No. Christianity does not need Chris Rosebrough. God is self-sufficient, Gospel is complete, and Jesus needs nothing and no one. So, please forgive the question. Perhaps a better question would be, “Is there a need in the Christian church for Chris Rosebrough and the work of discernment ministries?” Chris is best known for his program, … Read more