A Christian University in America’s heartland originally named after the Synod of Dordrecht – an important council of Protestant Reformed history that opposed Arminianism – has apparently adopted a science-fiction view of gender and is now teaching that it is determined by clothing choice rather than God’s immutable decrees as revealed in human biology.
There was once a time when universities were expected to teach science, and Christian universities were expected to teach both science and a Biblical worldview. Dordt University in Sioux Center, Iowa, is doing neither.
Associated with the Christian Reformed Chruch, the school of 1500 students and 85 faculty members, has begun to teach – as the following video reveals – that gender can be as fluid as someone’s attire. In promoting these ideas in the video below, the presented quoted from Revoice pro-LGBTQ organizer with a fabulously apropos last name, Preston Sprinkle.
Until LGBTQ indoctrination in the last decade, gender was seen synonymously as sex (sometimes called biological sex, which is redundant, because there’s no other kind). Until the 2010s, the terms gender and sex were used interchangeably and the dictionaries actually reflected that interchangeability. On many government forms, for example, the term is still used interchangeably as the wheels of bureaucracy often move slower than that of political correctness.
Gender is from the Latin term “genus” and means “kind” and refers to biology. However, LGBTQ academics began to hypothesize that someone could have a biological sex and a separate psychological gender. This notion is scientifically untenable and is a sociological novelty rather than a scientific discovery.
Why then, would an instructor at a Christian university in America’s heartland teach the LGBTQ sociological propaganda that gender is a matter of clothing choice, mannerisms, or other changeable and external things and not side with both the Bible and hard science?
A YouTube video posted by Sioux City Conservatives posted the clip of the Dordt instructor (the video identifies him as a chapel speaker – repeating unscientific and unbiblical LGBTQ propaganda that gender is separate from sex. You can watch below.
The instructor’s clip says “Gender…is your own internal sense of self, how you express yourself, cultural expectations for what it means to be a man and a woman, or one’s biological sex.”
The Scripture would only support one of those four theories – all supported as valid – by the Dordt presenter.
But from the beginning of creation, ‘God made them male and female’ (Mark 10:6).