In what may be the most blasphemous portrayal of Jesus even put on film, Model and actress Paris Jackson, daughter of pop superstar, Michael Jackson, is starring in the indie film “Habit,”- playing the role of the savior of the world as a tousled hair, nose-ring wearing, hippie lesbian.
According to a press release, the film follows a “party girl with a Jesus fetish who gets mixed up in a violent drug deal and finds a possible way out by masquerading as a nun.” The film will be a hard “R” for language, violence, and sexual content, which involve ‘jesus’ engaging in sexual encounters with other women.

Several petitions to end the film have been launched, some garnering over 100,000 signatures, but this is only more likely to draw attention to the controversial film and will not stall it in any way.
Unlike many of the chain emails circulating for decades warning about a fake movie starring a supposedly gay Jesus that has gotten conservatives up in arms, this is indeed a real movie. It is currently in post-production, looking for a distributor, and ins slated for a 2021 release date.