The Babylon Bee has come under fire by several prominent-ish evangelicals and laypeople after posting an article that critics say is nothing more than full-blown racism disguised as unfunny satire.
The offending post titled, “Chick-Fil-A Now Open On Sunday But Only For Black People, was clarified by The Bee as poking fun at the fast food’s CEO Dan Cathy’s recent wokeness, where he made comments on Black Lives Matter, and he shined rapper Lecrae’s shoes, white people need to repent of their racism and find other black people’s shoes to shine.
The post references this incident, as well as takes aim at Democrat leadership virtue-twerking by wearing the African kente cloth, white privilege, segregation, and a host of other targets. What has raised the hackles of critics particularly are these paragraphs:
… Further changes will be seen during the rest of the week as well. Dining rooms will be rearranged to provide a separate place of honor for minorities to sit. They will also be provided with separate bathrooms and drinking fountains. Chick-fil-A leadership insists that this new “separate and more equal” policy will make their restaurants bright shining beacons of racial reconciliation for the world to emulate.
“Chick-fil-A will always be a kind and welcoming place for the blacks, the Chinamen, and those people who wear that red dot on their foreheads,” Cathy said. “Just please don’t steal the sauces and we’ll be cool. Or if you want to steal the sauces, that’s ok too. We honor you.”
Some of the more vocal people have been Beth Moore, Jonathan Merritt, Kyle J. Howard (of course), and a host of others.

For their part, Chick-Fil-A clarified that the post was indeed about Cathy, and not black people. After pushback saying that the explanation was unsatisfactory, Babylon Bee CEO Seth Dillon was having none of it, and declared that no apology will be forthcoming.