Out, an animated short created by Pixar and newly released on Disney+ has featured the studio’s first homosexual protagonist in a film geared towards children and families.
The film’s plot, outlined by Deadline, describes: “Greg is preparing to move into the city with his boyfriend, Manuel. Greg is gripped by the difficulty of coming out as gay to his parents, who have paid a surprise visit to help him pack for his move. A dramatic series of events initiated by the couple’s dog ensues. As the official logline puts it, “With some help from his precocious pup, and a little bit of magic, Greg might learn that he has nothing to hide.”
While Disney films have featured a few minor gay characters here and there, the normalization of homosexuality has not been overt, with the topic usually appearing in brief glimpses, innuendo, or stray one-liners. This might be seen in small incidental moments such as Star Wars: Rise of Skywalker which includes a two-second long kiss in a background scene, or a moment in Frozen where a male shopkeeper shows a family picture that includes he and his “husband.”
While the short film is only 9 minutes and appears on their online streaming service, we expect a gay protagonist to appear on the big screen and gain far more exposure and acceptance in the very near future. The normalization of sexual perversion continues.