Kevin Addell, who runs a network for mostly heretical Word-Faith recently posted a photo of himself dressed as a pimp, with melanin-rich false teachers standing behind him like prostitutes.
Somehow, this seems infinitely appropriate.
Addell runs The Word Network, which calls itself “the largest African American religious network in the world.” The network hosts Creflo Dollar, Andrew Womack, Joyce Meyer, James Robinson, Joseph Prince, Peter Popoff, TD Jakes, Sid Roth and (completely out of place) for someone reason plays old sermons of Dr. D. James Kennedy (you talk about sticking out like a sore thumb…) who would have rebuked all the above preachers straight to hell.
Addell advertises himself as a Christian “entrepreneur” and is a regular on the charismatic leadership circuit.
The photoshopped photo above was published in a blog piece criticizing him for “pimping” black preachers.
However, Addell defiantly shared the image as though it were complimentary and he were proud of it. A Change.Org petition is now being circulated demanding his apology.
The Detroit Chapter of the National Association of Black Journalists said regarding the controversy,
“This image is repulsive as it utilizes racial stereotypes and denigrates community leaders in the process..It is doubly disturbing because your station’s marketing materials promote the Word Network and the 910-AM radio station as home to black voices. Being complicit in sharing racist materials is both offensive and a betrayal to the audience base you court and claim to support.”
“Racism” aside, Addell is certainly a prosperity pimp. At least the meme is accurate.
[Editor’s Note: HT These people]