The man who is worth nearly a quarter-billion dollars, mostly from his ability as a rapper, tried to denounce rap as “the devil’s music” to his pastor, who dismissed the notion and told him he could rap for God.
Kanye West has reportedly come to Christ after stepping foot into a California church affiliated with John MacArthur’s Grace Community Church. Everyone seems skeptical of the conversion – and rightfully so. But signs of glimmering hope continue to be seen from the artist and performer.
Submitting the lyrics of his latest album to his theologically sound (by all accounts) pastor, having decent gospel presentations by qualified men at his “Sunday gatherings” and announcing his retirement from secular music all have people hopeful. However, comments he’s made about Mormonism and his wife’s recent ‘baptism’ in a false church have others equally as nervous.
As reported on Apologia Radio, Adam Tyson – the pastor at Placertia Bible Church – explained that Kanye was prepared to reject the genre but Tyson explained that it could be used for God’s glory. We pray that Pastor Tyson isn’t getting in the way of the Holy Spirit’s work in Kanye’s life.
Pulpit & Pen believes that the best advice for Kanye is that he walk away from fame and performing for a period of years, to give it all up to follow after to Christ, and to aspire to live a quiet life and work peaceably with his hands (1 Thessalonians 4:11). Encouraging him to continue in a career of performance may be the perfect way for the alleged new believer to stumble back into sin.
Tyson also told the Apologia hosts that he conveyed to Kanye he should use “talents that God’s given you and use that platform for God.”
We don’t believe that God needs, requests, or is glorified by Kanye’s platform. We believe the most glorifying thing to God would be for Kanye to get off the platform.
Pulpit & Pen can also report that Tyson’s advice conflicts with advice that Kanye is receiving from other pastors, who are encouraging him to give up fame and fortune in order to seek after Christ.
West also noted in the Apologia episode that Kanye was disturbed in his spirit by the sexualization and immodesty of his wife, Kim Kardashian West.