Just like when Donald Trump ran his first campaign, the New Progressive Evangelical movement launched an anti-conservative “never-Trump” campaign against him. At the heart of the Evangelical anti-Trump movement was Russell Moore, the Southern Baptist Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) head who daily launched invectives at a man who clearly stood against the progressive ideals that Russell Moore stood for.
The daily castigation pouring from the bulging veins of Russell Moore was so bad it finally garnered a response from Donald Trump himself. “Russell Moore is truly a terrible representative of Evangelicals and all of the good they stand for,” Trump wrote. “A nasty guy with no heart!” Since then, the Southern Baptist Convention has been thrown into deep division.
The hatred for Donald Trump hasn’t stopped. In the Southern Baptist Convention and other Gospel Coalition types, Trump has been the object of many diatribes from liberal Evangelicals like Thabiti Anyabwile, Jemar Tisby, Dwight McKissic, Tim Keller, Beth Moore, and many others. The cause of division? Marxism. Particularly, Critical Race Theory.
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[Editor’s Note: This post was written by RC and published first at Reformation Charlotte. Also, Janet Mefferd had an excellent response to Thomas Kidd’s tweet. We’ll provide it below]