A proposed Kansas Department of Children and Families (DCF) rule change will require the Foster Care Licensing and Background Checks Division to demand that children with gender dysphoria only be placed with foster parents who don’t care about helping them through that identity delusion.
The rule change is supported by the state’s Democratic Governor, and you can read the proposed changes in the Kansas DCF document here in their pdf simply entitled, “LGBTQ.”
The document requires that all children be recognized by their “preferred gender,” even if it differs from their “birth gender,” and requires that such children only be placed with parents who will respect and use their preferred gender pronouns. Likewise, the document demands that their foster parents help reinforce their gender confusion by providing them clothing choices that represent their “preferred gender.”
Of course, people don’t have a “preferred gender” and a “birth gender.” People only have one gender, and it’s the one that corresponds to their biology. The Kansas DCF document seemed disinterested in evaluating the subject of gender from an objective medical or scientific standard.
The change presents several practical problems. The first problem will be for foster kids to find a home, because many foster parents are Christian families who don’t hate science, they will refuse to abide by the rule that requires them to bear false witness about they child’s real identity.
But secondly, sleeping arrangements in foster homes are already tenuous, with sexual abuse trauma being a prevalent problem. Foster families must be diligent about boundaries, especially in regard to sleeping and bathroom arrangements. These are already fragile, abused children.
However, the Kansas regulation specifically states that teen boys who think they are ‘transgender’ must be placed in girls’ shared bedrooms. Likewise, girls who think they are transgender should be placed in boys’ shared bedrooms.
The rule change provides a Q&A as follows:
Q. A teen is biologically female but identifies as male but is sexually attracted to females. If there has to be a room share, do they share with other females because that is what they were born or males because that is who they identify with? If they are to share with females, then it can be an issue because they are sexually attracted to that sex. The easiest answer is they have to have their own room if possible but that isn’t always an option.
A. In this example, the youth identifies as a male and should be treated as such. If there was a need to share a room, the caseworker should ensure everyone involved is okay with the room share. In this case they identify as a male so sharing room with another male would be acceptable.
This truly is a recipe for abuse, molestation, and more childhood trauma among the most vulnerable and victimized among us. It is one more example of the LGBTQXYZ lobby places ideology above the well-being of our children.