The totalitarian gender regime just expelled a student for claiming there are only two genders.
This is an update on the world’s most famous Scottish high school student. In recent weeks the student, known only as “Murray” went viral after recording a confrontation with a teacher who insisted there are more than two genders. Murray was first suspended. Three weeks later, he finds himself expelled.
Murray faces an unknown academic future. He will pay a cost for his choice to respectfully, quietly, manfully hold the line in this eerily totalitarian scene.
Murray did the right thing.
Here is a poignant piece from the recording:
Murray: “I think that’s silly. There are only two genders.”
Teacher (shouting, pacing, fists clenched): “Could you please keep that opinion to your own house?!”
During the entire showdown, Murray comported himself with assurance, courage, and dignity. His demeanor contrasted with the hysterical teacher raging to shout down reality.
“I think that’s silly.”
We would do well to follow Murray’s example. He refused to elevate the conversation to the sort of nuanced equivocation and effeminate pandering so common in our churches today.
Viewers across the English-speaking world have watched the viral video incredulously. Is this our future? Lesser known are the events that led up to this scene. He was not allowed to report on the facts. Taking a page from George Orwell’s 1984, Murray’s school required him to agree during his suspension to abstain from publicizing his experience.
Now that Murray’s expulsion is confirmed, he has come out with more context to his story. What follows below are excerpts from an exclusive YouTube interview with the blogger “I, Hypocrite,” conducted yesterday.
Here is how Murray describes the event:
“I was signing up for a website. The teacher was at his desk doing something else, like he wasn’t even talking at the time. So I’m just facing my PC signing up for this website, and all of a sudden the teacher starts calling out to the class “Whoa, look at this. The website only has two gender options!”
“And he basically started going off on a tangent about how bad that was and how old fashioned that was. I said “But sir, there are only two genders.” Those were the exact words I said. And he instantly like snapped back angry and said “Are you really going to go there?” I answered “Yeah, there are two genders.” And he was like, “If you want to have this discussion we can have it outside.” And I said, “Well, sir, there are two genders.”
Via YouTube: Update: MURRAY EXPELLED! (exclusive interview with 2 genders kid)
At that point the teacher demanded Murray leave the class. During the ensuing thirty minutes waiting in the hallway, Murray reported feeling shock and anger over what had just happened. So he decided to capture the conversation on his phone.
Later that day, Murray’s mother informed him the video had gone viral.
Twitter announced “Two gender kid is kicked out of class by Marxist teacher.”
Murray and his mother were called into the school for a meeting that day. His school administrators emphasized he was being punished only for recording his teacher. Murray responded “Fair enough. That is a known rule.”
School authorities issued Murray a one-week expulsion for his crime with the admonition that he was not allowed to talk to the press. Because he cared about returning to high school for his final year, Murray agreed to these terms.
At the end of that week, Murray relays, “It was very awkward. The head of the school and the deputy head of the school came to my house. This was to keep me away from the building.” In this meeting, the family was told that the head of education for Scotland came to a conclusion that Murray was to stay out of school for two more weeks to give the video time to die down.
Friday, when those two weeks came to a close, the school called Murray back for another meeting. The family was shocked to learn Murray was permanently expelled from school with no chance of returning.
This is a particularly stunning blow for Murray. In the Scottish school system, entrance to another school will require a strong recommendation from the school that has treated him so dishonestly.
At this point this brave young man doesn’t know where he can turn.
We do not know if Murray has a Christian testimony. Has he met the Lord who created male and female (Gen.1:27)? And who hates a lie (Prov. 6:16-19)? If he hasn’t yet, common grace has enabled him to be a noble example to every believer.
He took his persecution without making a victim of himself. He now faces an unknown future. Yet he expresses no bitterness, rebellion, or regret. In short, Murray is just the sort of manly hero our effeminate churches are crying out for today. We would do well to follow his lead.