A Southern Baptist pastor in South Carolina is a womanizer, woman-abuser, and illegitimately fathered children with his mistress. So far, the SBC, the South Carolina Baptist Convention, and its local association have failed to act.
Rashan Lamar Wilson is the pastor at Southside Impact Church in Charleston, South Carolina. This church is sponsored by Southside Baptist Church, whose facilities the church uses. Southside Impact Church appears to be an attempt by Southside Baptist Church to create a mixed-ethnicity congregation within it (y’all could meet at the same time, you know).
The SBC Church, Southside Baptist Church, is sponsoring this church plant within their walls and promoting their services via their social media platforms.
Rashan Wilson is married to Dashonna Marie, and they have five kids together (names withheld). However, of the five kids that Rashan and Dashonna “share,” two are by women other than Dashonna. This is as reported in the Christian Post.
However, according to press reports, Rashan Wilson has also impregnated Shanaqua Johnson, who is pregnant with her third child by Rashan. And, it is Shanaqua that Rashan Wilson choked at Southside Impact Church. Yes, that’s right. He choked a woman who is pregnant with this third love-child.
Wilson was then charged with domestic violence, arrested, and released on a 20 thousand dollar bond.
A Charleston-area pastor has been arrested and charged after police say he strangled a woman to the point of unconsciousness earlier this week.
The incident happened late Monday evening at Southside Impact Church on Beaufain Street.
The victim, who is eight weeks pregnant with the suspect’s child, arrived at the church to drop off two of their other children. But once she arrived, an argument ensued.
According to an affidavit, 35-year-old Rashan Lamar Wilson, who is a pastor at the church, lunged towards the victim, Shanaqua Genise Johnson, and both put his hands around her neck and squeezed tightly until she was unconscious for an undetermined amount of time.
Johnson reportedly fell to the concrete and hit her head on the ground, where she suffered an abrasion on the right side of her forehead.
From Count on News NBC2

Wilson claims on his Facebook page that he’s a “relationship expert.”
However, it is alleged that Wilson has not paid child support, which has led to extreme financial hardship for the battered woman. The Survivor Blog Women have appealed to the SBC, South Carolina Convention, or local association to help the woman.
Oddly enough, we can find no evidence that any of the aforementioned entities have commented on the church they (one way or another) helped sponsor through Southside Baptist Church. At the very least they could reach out and offer some kind of help.
[HT Wartburg Watch]