Jerry Falwell Jr. recently said that his family was raising his granddaughter as a girl. LGBT activists at Liberty University – the nation’s largest Christian college – are outraged.
Liberty University, one of the largest Christian universities, founded by the well-known conservative firebrand and Moral Majority leader, Jerry Falwell, has been going steadily left culturally, even though they’ve remained steadily right politically. Embracing the larger secular culture is difficult to accomplish while remaining fiercly loyal to Republican politics. Liberty University, however, seems to have walked that fine line.
Long ago are the days that Liberty University fought against the College Democrats forming a chapter at the institution, which was spearheaded by Democrat Joel Krautter (who now serves as a state representative in Montana). It seems that today, Liberty University is filled with leftists. And those leftists are making their voice be heard.
Becki Falwell, the wife of Jerry Falwell Jr, was recently speaking about their granddaughter and said, “She’s our granddaughter, and we’re raising her as a girl. We’re not letting her have a choice. God makes the choice of what the babies are going to be and God decided she would be a girl.”
Of course, Mrs. Falwell’s statements are scientifically correct. Babies don’t get to decide their gender, and neither do adults. Gender has always been tied to biology, and never in the history of the world has anyone successfully transitioned their gender.
But alas, liberals don’t like biology when it comes to abortion or sexuality. They are primitive and superstitious creatures, who shun the scientific method and objective facts.
After Mrs. Falwell made the statement, more than 30 Liberty University students banded together to wave rainbow flags and touted about signs promoting ‘transgender’ rights at the student union.
Mrs. Falwell made the statement at a CPAC satellite event with Donald Trump Jr.