Matt Chandler, the once-sound pastor of the Village Church is partnering with extreme voices of the charismatic movement in September of this year, including Michael Brown and Hillsong
Chandler is speaking at the Convergence Conference, which has the theme of divine healing. Storms and Deere are two less extreme

The Charismatic Window is a metaphor for the way nefarious or sub-biblical teaching enters into a church or an individual’s mind because they are a “cautious
While many evangelicals won’t countenance the more obvious excesses of the Charismatic movement and the type of spiritual chicanery that typifies the movement’s more dramatic heretics, because they are open to continued revelation or Apostolic gifting, they are susceptible to many less-dramatic, more-subtle diversions from Biblical faith.
The expression, charismatic window, is often used to explain how once-discerning people fell for
This phrase draws parallels to Jude 1:4, “For certain people have crept in unnoticed who long ago were designated for this condemnation, ungodly people, who pervert the grace of our God into sensuality and deny our only Master and Lord, Jesus Christ.” The concept of a false teacher “creeping in unnoticed” is pivotal in understanding the meaning of the term, “Charismatic Window.”