Jonathan Leeman is the editorial director at 9Marx, the ministry founded by Mark Dever that once focused on helping local churches with their ecclesiology but now is a ‘woke’ Social Justice organization. Isaac Adams
Also speaking is Ron Burns (he changed his name to Thabiti Anyabwile when he became a black nationalist) who has repeatedly maligned police officers, defended violent criminals because of their skin color, and endorsed Bernie Sanders in the presidential primary and Hillary Clinton in the presidential general election. Burns’ wife will also be speaking.
Along with the 9Marx pastors and Ron Burns, will be Vincent Bacote, a Critical Race Theorist from Wheaton College. While lamenting the election of President Trump, Bacote wrote that “white religious traditionalists” working with Muslims and liberal black Christians is an “overlooked gospel imperative” (source link). Leon Brown, another Critical Race Theorist who wrote for Alliance for Confession Evangelicals against ‘color blindness.’
Brian Davis, who has contributed to both The Social Gospel Coalition and 9Marx, will be speaking at the conference as well. Davis is on record at TGC of urging Christians to de-prioritize agreement on social and political issues, just one in a long line of writers at TGC who urge Christians to build alliances based on ‘racial reconciliation’ rather than a Biblical worldview. Along with Davis will be a radical liberal, Judy Wu Dominick who wrote in Christianity Today that the election of Donald Trump made her “stand alone and weep.” In that post at CT, she also advocates for “reparations” (you’ll have to pay for the whole article).
Christina Edmondson – a “diversity consultant” will be speaking at the event. She helps churches understand their “privilege” and how it relates to sin, according to this interview. Her husband, Mika, is also speaking. Mika has claimed on Twitter that rejecting Social Justice is parallel to endorsing slavery. Korie Edwards will also be speaking. She is a profession of sociology at Ohio State University and helps run the Religious Diversity Initiative. She is
Justin Giboney is an attorney and political strategist. He is a Democrat whose ambition is to convince
Irwyn Ince, president of the Reconciliation and Justice Network, will also be speaking with the 9Marx leaders. That organization claims that social “justice and reconciliation are core elements of the Gospel.”
Along with the Cultural Marxists and Democrat operatives already mentioned, other speakers include more renown leftists including Eric Mason, Jarvis Williams, Jemar Tisby, and Jackie Hill Perry.
The event advertises:
No conversation about reconciliation should be had without the entire family. Just Gospel is a family reunion—with a purpose! Join brothers and sisters from across ethnic, cultural, class, gender and political backgrounds to press for deeper unity in Christ. On day one, we’ll explore reconciliation in Christ across ethnic lines. On day two, we’ll discuss the power of the gospel to reconcile genders in Christ. Day three, we’ll consider how Christ holds us together across political differences.
Of 34 speakers on the website, three are Caucasian. These include 9 Marks’ Jonathan Leeman and JD Greear, the president of the Southern Baptist Convention. The third is Garrett Kell, who is a contributor to the SBC’s Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission. Kell was also a staff member at Dever’s Capitol Hill Baptist Church.
From what we can tell, there’s not a Republican among them. So much for diversity, I guess…