Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary is in Wake Forest, North Carolina. It should from henceforth be known as Woke Forest. The seminary has been turning left and has become progressive over the last several years. The seminary is now offering a degree program in Social Justice.
The degree program is now available as a major, which you can see in the SEBTS course catalog here. The degree program is officially called “Justice and Social Ethics.” Its course requirements can be seen here.
The website advertises:
This degree is designed to provide foundational preparation for students who desire to serve in para-church ministries, denominational service, public policy advocacy, and general moral witness in the culture. Further, in combination with other credentials, this major can be useful to students who desire to serve in fields such as law, politics, journalism, and public education, among other venues in the public square. Additionally, the major in Justice and Social Ethics can give a prophetic edge to students called to pastoral ministry, missionary evangelism, and various forms of chaplaincy.
Course credits include a class in Ethics of Wealth and Poverty, Social Justice and Race Relations, and Ethics and Environmental Responsibility.
The course description for Social Justice and Race Relations says that it’s the church’s job to promote Social Justice:
A study of the ethics of social justice and race relations in light of biblical principles, theological doctrines and historical expressions, with special attention given to the church’s tasks in promoting social justice and confronting discrimination.
Social Justice is a term that was invented by Marxists and is commonly used among leftist activists, clergy, and politicians to promote leftist social engineering and wealth redistribution.
The church, as an institution, is not tasked with justice but with mercy (feeding the hungry, caring for the poor, clothing the naked, Matthew 25:35-40). Characterizing charity as “justice” instead of mercy is presupposed upon the Marxist notion that the poor or unfortunate are entitled to the goods, labor, and wealth of others.
It’s upon a Marxist worldview, rather than a Christian worldview, that the SEBTS program has been built. We first wrote about SEBTS and Danny Akin threatening non-woke faculty with termination or sensitivity training back in June of 2018.
For more information, watch Conversations that Matter (below).
[HT Jon Harris]