Oftens times it’s the lessor know pastors who can make the greater impact on the visible church especially with regards to the protection of the unborn.
Vermont is seeking to follow the state of New York in the protection of womens right to murder the unborn by legislating it a ”fundamental” right. Since 1971 (before Roe vs Wade), Vermont has had unrestricted and unregulated abortion through all nine months of pregnancy. Additionally, the new Bill is so sweeping that it will not allow for parental notification. If the Bill makes its way to the Senate, it will be in addition to a proposed state constitutional amendment protecting a woman’s ”reproductive liberty” to murder her unborn baby.
On Sunday, February 3, 2019, pastor of Ludlow Baptist Church in Ludlow, Vermont, Jerry Scheumann, preached a sermon from Isaiah 5:20:
Woe to those who call evil good
and good evil,
who put darkness for light
and light for darkness,
who put bitter for sweet
and sweet for bitter!
Not only is this sermon a timely exegesis of Isaiah 5:20, it is one that should be preached from every pulpit in the visible church.
Glory to God for the grace given to his servant, Pastor Jerry Scheuman to boldly and courageously preach the truth of sacred writ that all humans beings are created ”imago die.”
We exhort you to listen his sermon provided in the link below: