Jim Bakker is the televangelist who reportedly raped a woman (alongside another evangelist), and was thrown in prison when it was uncovered that he misused ministry funds in a real estate scheme. That investigation began when researchers were trying to unwrap from where Bakker got the hush money to pay off his rape victim. Once in prison, Bakker claimed he had never been saved but had a radical born-again experience in jail. Today, Bakker is back in real estate game with a survivalist intentional living community near Branson, Missouri, and he’s back on television.
Whereas in Bakker’s previous life he taught prosperity, he now teaches doom-and-gloom, exclusively bringing onto his television show End Times “professionals” and “prophets” who assure his aging audience that they’re on the cusp of the Tribulation, before proceeding to sell them survival suppplies in what is essentially an infomercial.
Most recently, Bakker had on Loren Sandford. Sanford, a pony-tailed preacher who fancies himself a pastor and prophet, said there was a crisis in charismaticism.
“We have a crisis of credibility in this country right now in the body of Christ. Where prophetic ministry is concerned, we’ve had things that didn’t come to pass. Too many things. Big things.”
Of course, most of those “big things” they didn’t come to pass were talked about on the Jim Bakker program. These include the Shemitah ‘shakening,’ the Four Blood Moons crisis, and the endless predictions of the Tribulation beginning.
In fact, Pulpit & Pen publisher, JD Hall, pointed out that all the predictions on Jim Bakker’s program had failed, during a live studio performance.
Nonetheless, Sandford argued that too many prophecies had gone unfulfilled.
And so, Sandford then explained his own prophetic vision (which cannot be verified) that John Paul Jackson came to him from beyond the grave to give him a few special words about the state of charismatic Christianity.

Jackson was a “prophet” who died in 2015 and he hosted a “dreams and visions” program on Daystar television. He was a member of the “Kansas City Prophets” along with Mike Bickel. In spite of being a faith healer and revolving his entire ministry around the healing ministry, Jackson died of cancer and not a single one of his charismatic healer friends
According to Sandford, Jackson – who ostensibly came from Heaven – was crying and upset because so many “prophets” were being inaccurate.
You can watch the video below.
There is only one account of the dead returning to speak to the living.
Samuel appeared to King Saul and rebuked him, and then God took away his Spirit from him.