Apple has removed the Living Hope Ministries app from their app store. This removal stems from a complaint, an online petition from the radically progressive LGBTQ group Truth Wins Out. The group claims that the app is spreading “homophobic garbage and hate.”
In defense of the app Ricky Chelette, the executive director of Living Hope Ministries, said in a letter to The Christian Post that the app was developed three years ago. He also stated, “We help people understand who they are in Christ,” Chelette said. “We only help those individuals who are seeking us.”
Chelette also stated. “I think it’s unfortunate that the advocacy group doesn’t know what we do and is assuming that we’re some hate organization. We are not,” Chelette said. “We love gay-identified individuals.”
Unfortunately, in the social media charged consumer-driven world we live in it is not shocking that Apple would take the side of the who can do the most damage to the Apple brand. In this case, it is the radically progressive LGBTQ group Truth Wins Out and their mentally ill followers. While Chelette plans on challenging Apple on their decision when it comes to Apple siding with Christian Conversive values or wicked progressive left values they seem to do the latter.
Censorship of a Christian worldview and beliefs whether in the news media, on social media, or in the newspapers is no longer heading turning to most true believers today. In many ways, it is expected and waited upon by many, counted as the cost of standing for truth in a world that has no need nor want for truth. Right is right even when nobody else in the world is doing it and wrong is still wrong even everyone is doing it.
While Apple may be able to censor Christian apps under the guise of “promoting hate,” it is Apple, and the radical LGBTQ groups like Truth Wins Out that are truly promoting hate. As Christians, we need to speak the truth about the sinful dangers of the LGBTQ lifestyle. We need to preach the hope, the change, the rebirth, and a new life found through repentance of sin and trusting in Jesus Christ as Savior. That can’t be censored by Apple,Truth Wins Out, any person or group.