Leighton Flowers hates the Sovereignty of God. Sure, he redefines it into something more tolerable as an altar of his own self-righteousness. But make no mistake about it, this important attribute of God, Flowers hates. He’s always looking for a recent expat of Calvinism to highlight on his program, which is singularly focused on extolling the meritorious salvation of man.
I caught a glimpse of the podcast guest in my feedly feed today and smiled to myself when I saw who it was.
Here’s a really great newsflash to Leighton Flowers…If you’re going to invite ex-Calvinists on to explain why they’re no longer Calvinists, make sure that they’re not dabbling in blatant heterodoxy. When you don’t do that, it makes Calvinists all go, “See! Told you so. Leaving Calvinism is the first step to apostasy.”
Flowers begins by saying that he became aware of Brad Saab by way of introduction via Pastor Bruce Speer (both are Montana pastors). Let me be candid about Bruce. Bruce is a garbage human being who I know lied through his teeth to help the Montana Southern Baptist Convention systematically eradicate Montana of Calvinist pastors under the leadership of Executive Director, Fred Hewitt. He’s also the one I mention in my sermon, Modern Day Downgrade, who told me on the phone that I was “too fat to be a pastor.” It was also Speer’s church website I was alluding to in that sermon in which Jesus’ name was never mentioned, but the pastor’s name was on every page, replete with promising to help people “find their purpose,” but no mention of salvation. Speer, by the way, has been busy defending his church’s posting of political campaign signs on the church’s property (very Gospel-focused guy, that Bruce Speer).
So who is Brad Saab, who is this anti-Calvinist, lying devil in Missoula that Speer is promoting to Leighton Flowers? He’s the guy heading up interfaith services with Muslims and Buddhists.
The Missoulian Reports:
On Good Friday, in the middle of Passover, three days after the Buddhist new year and roughly two months before the start of Ramadan, 100 Missoulians shared a workday lunch hour to talk about faith.
Nobody said grace, but many said thanks for the chance to openly think about religion in the workplace. As organizer and ALPS Corp. president David Bell put it, “This is a room full of people who believe in the conversation. Maybe we’ve germinated something.”
Bell invited a trio of Missoulians to talk – not proselytize – about the challenges of living in a world where many faith communities are not only at odds but occasionally at arms with others. Keynote speaker Brad Saab said it seemed many Americans are almost conditioned to be hostile regarding the religion of others.
“There’s this fear that I might be wrong or see I have holes in my world view,” Saab said. “Is that maturity? When you show up for work, the goal is not to hold a Bible study class. But can we be open to discussions taking place? People talk about all kinds of things at work – their ski vacations or their softball teams or the Seahawks – if anything’s offensive, it’s the Seahawks, right?”
Football laughter aside, the Meadowview Church pastor held out hope that co-workers could reveal details about their faith in the same atmosphere they shared sports loyalties.
“I’m not advocating Christianity or any compromise on convictions,” Saab said. “But silence about differences is harming our society.”
Again Saab said, “I’m not advocating Christianity…” Of course not.
While he has “apologized” to his congregation for having been a Calvinist, one must wonder if he’s apologized to his congregation for being an interfaith ecumenist.
And what is Saab doing these days, after having left Calvinism? I called a Missoula friend and pastor to see what Saab’s doing now. According to my source, he left the pastorate and is now selling used cars down at Lithia Chrysler, Dodge and Jeep.
Saab’s Facebook confirms he now works at the car dealership.
Deny Calvinism, leave the pastorate, become a used car salesman. It’s just like my life…but in reverse.
[Contributed by JD Hall]