[Thirty Pieces of Silver] Midterm elections demonstrate that the classic battle lines are being redrawn among Evangelical voters. Ongoing and concerted efforts through American conservative Christian seminaries, churches and secular mainstream media are intensifying to reshape the foundations and convictions which drive the Evangelical vote. Leadership continues to come from trusted ministers like Tim Keller of The Gospel Coalition and The Southern Baptist / ERLC’s Russell Moore. Formerly the efforts were to detract from conservatives but now the push is to openly abandon pro-life/pro-family Republicans and endorse Democrat candidates.
Tim Keller’s recent opinion piece in the New York Times provides a look at some of the rhetoric being engaged in. Keller asks, “What role should Christians play in politics?” and asserts that “more people than ever are asking this question.” He goes onto say, “While believers can register under a party affiliation and can be active in politics (thanks for the permission Dr. Keller) they should not identify the Christian church or faith with a political party as the only Christian one.” Keller then quotes British ethicist James Mumford who warns against “package -deal ethics “ that come with party affiliation. Keller omits that Mumford works at The Centre for Social Justice in London and stateside with Keller’s friends at The Institute for Advanced Studies in Culture. Mumford’s work touts Critical Theory and the Marxist Frankfurt School inspiration from which Keller and Mumford (as well as the IASC) draw their rhetoric of false social justice while attacking individualism, conservative “Culture Wars” and capitalism.
Another New York Times piece by Faith and Values Correspondent Elizabeth Dias featured recent interviews with five Texas Evangelical moms troubled by Christians’ past voting loyalties. Dias says, “All are longtime Republican voters, solely because they oppose abortion rights. Only one of them broke ranks to vote for Hillary in 2016. But this November, they have all decided to vote for Mr. O’Rourke.” While written as a random sampling of evangelical Texas Women reflecting a “trend,“ the NYT piece proves less than honest.
Radio host Janet Mefferd researched and found that at least three of the “Beto Moms” are tied to Village Church in Flower Mound, Texas where pastor Matt Chandler preaches for social justice / against white privilege and is a leader in both Keller’s TGC and Moore’s ERLC. Also revealed by Mefferd’s research is that these women play activist roles in refugee resettlement “ministries”- one even received $20,000 in one year from Village Church.
The progressive Christian left has been awash in George Soros funding as revealed years ago by American Association of Evangelicals – “Rent an Evangelical.”
Today we see the same funding agenda spilling over and trickling down through the Conservative Christian community through ministries like World Relief, Evangelical Immigration Table (of which Moore is a member) as well as denominational mission objectives. Is this funding inspiring these Evangelicals’ progressive politics? Dias points to the obvious hopeful payoff. “To democrats nationwide who have largely written off white evangelical voters, it also sends a signal -not just for midterms but also for the 2020 presidential campaign …”
Former Obama administration Faith Based and reelection campaign Faith Outreach Coordinator Michael Wear is now working with Keller’s TGC. Wear’s book sports endorsements from Keller and Evangelical leaders Russell Moore, Andy Stanley, Ann Voskamp and fellow Obama spiritual advisor Joel Hunter. Wear is also writing for TGC on topics like “Holding the Christian Ethic Together.”
The young lobbyist of Russell Moore for ERLCs DC offices recently hosted Nashville ERLC employee Brent Leatherwood for a midterm roundtable discussion. Leatherwood was hired by Moore after Tennessee GOP officials tired of his team’s subversive work which almost bankrupted the TN Republican Party. In the Roundtable video the ERLC crew discuss the likelihood of the Democrat Party retaking the House in 2018.They then focus on the Senate seats up for grabs by Democrats. The ERLC team recommends voter resources like CNN where Moore frequently appears alongside prime time anchors including CNN Marxist /Obama pal Vann Jones. ERLC also recommends NBC, and The Cook Political Report by Charles Cook -a favorite of left leaning outlets ABC/ NBC/ NY Times /Washington Post.
The face of conservative Christian political engagement is changing rapidly by covert and overt forces from within. The steady creep of diluted doctrine and progressive social justice has weakened a generation of Christians’ resolve and conviction. Liberal mainstream media now have partners deep within the Evangelical leadership moving the church to embrace leftist policy and political candidates. The loss of the evangelical base, once complete, will prove catastrophic to the Conservative movement in America as well as to personal and religious freedom. A rapid and sustained movement must be organized to counter this subversive revolution against Christian Conservatism.
[Editor’s Note: This was first written at Thirty Pieces of Silver by Thomas Littleton, title changed by Pulpit & Pen]