What would you think if a man who identifies as “gay” happens to advertise himself as a “masseur” who specializes in “man-to-man bodywork? You would probably think that man needs some spiritual help and guidance. In the Roman Catholic church in Chicago, such men are given permission to start a “gay outreach” (we’re not sure if there’s a pun intended or not).
Fr. Michael Guimon is head of the priory (a small monastery) at Our Lady of Sorrows National Basilica in Chicago. He’s also the Servites’ formation director and senior care minister. He claims to be a “spiritual companion and massage therapist.” Our Lady of Sorrows monastery has given him permission to host a homosexual group there called, “Rainbow Warriors.”
He is listed on the “Gay Body Workers” website as a professional masseur who does “Man to Man Body Work, and is signed up as both member and organizer “Michael G.” on the Mankind Pride of Chicago Meetup website for “Gay, Bi, Trans, Queer and Questioning Men.”
Before deleting his profiles on the site, he’s involved with numerous gay “meet-ups.”

His favorite meetups include: Men Cuddling Men (Chicago), The Body Electric School Chicago, CANS Chicago Area Naturists Sons, Chicago Social Activities for Gay Guys 40+, Gay Guys Do! a gay men’s group to get out & do good, North Side Gay Game Night, Gay Chicago Singles Event, Nude Yoga Chicago, Chicago Gays Unite, MORE for Gay Men.
And this is the guy the Papists use to do “outreach” to the gay community.
Another priest in Guimon’s parish, Fr. Paul Kalchik, set fire to a rainbow-colored banner that was there by the wishes of the LGBT-mushy archbishop Cardinal Blase Cupich. He claimed that doing so was a matter of “exorcism.” Apparently having enough gay Catholicism promoted by the Chicago diocese, Kalchick blew the whistle on the death of one bishop who was found dead while strapped to a “sex machine.” That friar, Paul Kalchik, has been relieved of his duties by the Catholic diocese and remains in hiding.
In contrast this “Man-to-Man Bodywork” guy is still proudly representing the Roman Catholic Church at “Men Cuddling Men” and other gay groups in the Chicago area.
The so-called “Rainbow Warriors” is the product of the ManKind Project, which seeks to “redefine what masculinity is in today’s world,” Guimon told LifeSiteNews in a telephone interview.
The friar claimed that the monthly meeting is a place where men are not “afraid of being judged, afraid of being told you’re no good, you’re worthless, you’re a disorder,” and where the main topic is “how we have to put up with the shame that society puts on us as gay men.
They talk about “how to meet other GBTQQ men for friendship and romantic relationships, to navigating the difficulties of using social media and apps such as Grindr, where men often post false pictures or simply want to have casual sex rather than more intimate relationships.”
Or they discuss “dealing with loneliness, managing their use of pornography, developing spirituality outside of traditional religious institutions, and uncovering the gifts they can offer the broader culture.”
[HT Lifesite News]