Matt Chandler is now on the same page as Bethel Redding’s Shawn Bolz regarding kooky ways of doing charismatic things. Watch the video comparison below. Bolz and Chandler describe God giving them words to give to people, and describe receiving really bizarre mental impressions from God, apparently.
People have been watching Chandler for a while, noticing his decline into the dangerous practices of charismania.
Video: Matt Chandler’s Concerning Spiritual Teachings, Experiences, and Practices on Sign Gifts
Matt Chandler Appears to Affirm Bright White Light Appearance of Jesus to Woman
Matt Chandler was once in the respectable wing of pastors identifying as Reformed-Calvinistic. He’s now in another pool. Not a far end of the pool, but in a different pool all together. His feet are now in the same waters as the likes of Bethel Redding, Bill Johnson, and Shawn Bolz.
Those following Chandler should start looking elsewhere. Pray that he and those who have adopted these dangerous practices would be granted correction and repentance from these dangerous ways.
[Editor’s Note: This post was originally published at the Heterodox Research Initiative, found here]