In the latest video from Thabiti Anyabwile at The Gospel Coalition, he mirrors his statements from two weeks ago that white people are complicit in the murder of Dr. King. Anyabwile’s real name is Ron Burns. Burns took the name “Thabiti Anyabwile – he says – to identify with the Black Nationalist Movement. A product of the mentorship of Mark Dever who popularized Burns through his ministry, 9 Marks, Burns has continued to show a more and more radical Cultural Marxism as the years have progressed. For more links on Burns/Anyabwile, click here.
In the video posted today at the mostly political organization known as The Gospel Coalition, Burns says:
“There can’t be any reconciliation that is deep and lasting if my white evangelical brothers and sisters don’t own this, and not as…not merely as a mercy for others as a kind of benighted paternalism to others, but own it as a people who are complicit…like all the rest of us…and own it as a people who need restoration…”
For Burns, the price of reconciliation between minority and white evangelicals is simple; white people must acknowledge that they are complicit in racism and “own it.”